one month to go!


IMG_9655 Dear Baby,

Exactly one month from today, your lease is up. Well, we hope. Since we never signed an official contract, you could actually be moving out anywhere from a week and half from now to over five. That's actually a rather annoyingly large window, don't you think?

But, if there's one thing I've learned during this process (and trust, there are MANY), it's that my feelings aren't exactly at the forefront of your mind. The corollary? Not only is that OK, it's kind of how it'll be for the foreseeable future. Now, if your future father ever told me that, it's quite possible you would never have come to be. But, for you, baby, we grant you dispensation. Maybe it's because your daily hiccups are so adorable we forget to be mad. Or maybe it's because we saw you yawn on the sonogram.

Other things you get a pass for? Leg cramps. Making my ribs hurt. Our voluminous use of toilet paper over the past 35 weeks. Cooked-fish sushi. Making Mike tie my shoelaces.

But, seriously, all that aside, you've been a pretty good tenant. You haven't tried to break your lease early or taken up too much room. And while you're in there, I always know exactly where you are and how you're feeling. You're pretty portable, too! At some point next month, when you move into your new digs (I hope you like flamingo wallpaper, PS), I'll still be your landlord (not to mention your chef, personal assistant, and stylist), but you and I both know it won't be quite the same.

So, baby, I'm really looking forward to these next few weeks together. While I cannot wait to see if you got your dad's eyelashes or my height (haha, get it?), this last month will be the last we'll ever share in such close quarters. And while I know moving out is going to be a bitch, I promise to treat you to lots of lasagna dinners, mid-afternoon naps and belly-napping kittens before it all goes down.



PS: Totally fine with this heartburn thing, but if you don't come out with a head of hair voluminous enough to support at least one bow, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO HAVE A CHAT, YOUNG LADY.